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Wednesday, 9 May 2007

An Open Letter to Bal Thackeray

Dear Mr. Thackeray,

The Tiger is dying.

In a few years time, the symbol of your party will be a mere memory. All that will be remaining are pictures, documentaries and a fading emblem on the Shiv Sena's posters.

I'm writing to you today to ask you to prevent this from happening.

Your followers have always held your words in very high esteem. Every call for action has been followed promptly by the hundreds of people who feel inspired by you. I am not one of them, but I believe that your words, a call for action from you, is needed at this time.

One word from you, one statement on the state of the tigers in India today and your followers will ensure that the situation is reversed. Given the Shiv Sena's history and the way that your words are listened to, I know that this will be an effective solution.

I believe that you can inspire your people to go out and prevent the destruction of your party's symbol. Ask them to talk to people in the forest ministry, patrol our so called wildlife 'sanctuaries' and national parks (have you been to the Borivali national park? It's a disgrace.)

This is a legacy that you can leave that will endear you to people all over, not just in your party. Leave something precious for us to remember you by. If you want to keep the Shiv Sena going well into the next 21st century, then what better way than to protect its symbol.

I hope you will think about this seriously, Mr. Thackeray. Time is running out for the tiger. Please help.

Yours sincerely,

A concerned Mumbaiwallah (or Mumbaikar, if that's what you prefer)

1 comment:

Shifting Sands said...

I will join in too! Have you sent the letter already?